Don't know what I like best about this one: the mod swimsuit, the Burt Reynolds wannabe, the happy maid, or the swinging nightclub, complete with leisure-suited rock and roll combo.
From the outside, it looks mighty inviting. But once you get inside, you know you made a big mistake. The place is empty, and your host is staring into space, oblivious to the roaring grease fire behind him. You don't want to see what's in the meat locker...
OK, I'm totally going here. But only because I'm fresh out of sorghum.
"All aboard the Hurleyville Taxi! Next stop: Hillbilly Village!"
Two views of the Mitchell Corn Palace. Yes, it's made entirely of corn cobs. Not to be confused with the Idaho Potato Emporium or the Muskogee Turnip Castle.
This one is just plain disturbing. On the back, handwritten, it says "Mock Wedding, Rebekah, Silver Falls." Let's hope so.